Saltburn Mind Therapies
Smoking Cessation
You may have tried the patches, the gum, and the plastic cigarette. You may have read a book which helped you to stop for a week, but found it was still a struggle.
If you are ready to stop, one easy session is all it will take. The session lasts between an hour and a half to two hours and will be personalised to you. What motivates you to stop may not be the same as what motivates someone else.
The cost of a session is about the same as sixteen packets of cigarettes, depending on the brand.
The cost to your health could be much more if you don’t stop.
After a single session most clients report feeling as if they have never smoked, or that they stopped smoking years ago. You are unlikely to crave a cigarette and may be surprised to find how easy it was to quit.
When you are ready to stop smoking, or if you have a cannabis habit you want to kick, give me a call.
I would just like to let everyone know how fantastic I feel about giving up smoking after 35 years.
I have tried unsuccessfully for years to give up. Tried patches, electric cigarettes etc. Nothing worked. Until I paid a visit to Julie at 1.30pm. on 10th June 2013 for an hour and a half and have not had a fag since.
I don't have the cravings for one and being around other people smoking does not bother me. I don't know exactly how she does what she does, but she is amazing.
She has helped me achieve something that I thought was impossible. Oh I feel great.
Tamsin from Dartford